Tuesday 5 April 2011

National Current affairs

Having knowledge of current affairs is very essential to give examinations. Especially in bank examinations and civil service examination there is a specific section for current affairs questions and answers.  There are various national affairs. It is not difficult to be updated wit the affairs as most of he news channels relay information in English as well as Hindi. There are also various regional news channels, focusing on news of the particular area.

Recent national current affairs:

Ø  An Australian firm is set to sue Delhi for non payment of bills. This is another shameful case in regard with the CWG. It is said that this firm had played a major role in the opening and closing of the biggest ceremony held in India.
Ø  Yashwant Sonawane, additional district collector of Malegaon was killed by an oil mafia.
Ø  For the first time in the history of Karnataka, a chief minister has been sent to prosecution by a governor. Karnataka Governor, HR Bharadwaj, permitted the prosecution of Yedyruappa, the chief minister of Karnataka, on the charges of corruption.
Ø  The Godhra train burning incident that had occurred in 2002, in which 59people were dead, mostly kar sevaks returning from Ayodhya has finally received a closure, where 31 people have been convicted and 63 acquitted.
Ø  The Bombay high court confirmed death penalty to Kasab Ajmal, the main terrorist in the 26/11 attack in Mumbai, which left the city devastated. It was said the case was rarest of rare and there was no scope for any other option but death sentence.
Ø  As the Income Tax office is celebrating its 150 years in India, the government has decided to issue a 150.rs. Coin in denomination. It would be made of nickel, copper and zinc.
Ø  The 2G spectrum scam which has been in the news lately is said to be investigated by Joint Parliamentary Committee said Prime Minster Manmohan Singh.
Ø  Home Minster P. Chidambaram met Leaders of the Outlawed United Liberation Front of Assam (ULFA) to signify the start of peace talks and ending 30 year long insurgence in Assam.

Hindi and English news channels have made it easier to spread information among the common mass. It aims at relaying the national current affairs to the public and updates them on current affairs. This helps the students to prepare for various exams and answer the questions confidently.

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